sayaka.tohyama のすべての投稿

私は,戸田正直氏の言うpossible rolesを信じて「心理学をやろう」と志した一人である。

私は,戸田正直氏の言うpossible rolesを信じて「心理学をやろう」と志した一人である。
心理学に迷いを感じた時に読んだ“Possible roles of psychology”は,目の覚めるように晴れやかでテンポの良い,それこそ麻薬のような論文だった。
戸田正直 (1992). 『認知科学選書10 感情』, 297, 東京大学出版会. (寄稿).

全員がそれぞれ仮 説を持っていて,対話することによって全員の考えが良くなっていくのだ

国立教育政策研究所(2015) 教員養成報告書, 162.


三宅なほみ (1994).「「数人」の研究対象 対「ひとりきり」の研究者」. 『認知科学』, 1(2), 2.


三宅なほみ (1994).「「数人」の研究対象 対「ひとりきり」の研究者」. 『認知科学』, 1(2), 2.

From Michael Baker

This is very sad news; if this could be at all transmitted to those close to Naomi, her family and friends, on behalf of the ijCSCL board, I, with the rest of you express my deepest condolences. I have my personal memories of her too.

As for Naomi’s legacy as a researcher in our field, I remember the excitement with which I read Naomi’s ground-breaking paper on collaboration, as it just came out, in 1986:

Miyake, N., 1986. Constructive Interaction and the Iterative Process of Understanding. Cognitive Science, 10, 151-177.

As far as I know, almost no-one was doing serious work on collaborative processes, within any discipline relating to cognitive science at that time.

It was the paper that got me interested in collaboration and in collaborative learning. So, personally speaking, I see her as one of the founders of our field…

She will be sorely missed.

From Michael Baker

(Posted by webmaster)

From Philip Bell

I  was just sharing some of Naomi’s work in a doctoral committee meeting last week to help solve a specific problem. I will remember Naomi for her brilliant insights and contributions, her disarming warmth in conversation, and her commitment and strength in her professional life. As I reflect on my conversations with her over the years, she was always this wonderful mix of being joyful, thoughtful, and open to new ideas all at the same time. She will be so deeply missed within our community, but her many contributions will be remembered.

My heart goes out to her family, friends, and colleagues at this sad time.

From Philp Bell

(Posted by webmaster)